My work is a labour of love.

I look forward to meeting you.

Hello! I’m Rowan Katie McNiven Gladman (they/them).

I have been a healthcare practitioner in the field of birth support since I graduated with a Bachelor of Midwifery from the University of British Columbia in 2009. I have provided full-scope midwifery, lactation and postpartum care in both rural and urban settings around the province during my fifteen years of practice. In 2013, I completed an additional year of lactation training and became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to enhance my ability to provide informed, specialized care. 

I offer services as a full-time infant feeding and lactation consultant (RM, IBCLC) and postpartum care provider on the traditional territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən People (Greater Victoria and Saanich Peninsula).

I am especially enthusiastic about providing care for transgender and queer parents, including folks seeking support with induced lactation. As a member of the LGBTQ2SIA community, I’m attuned to gaps of care in the birthing field for transgender and queer parents and continuously work to close the gaps. Anti-oppressive practice is a cornerstone of my approach.

My additional areas of interest and specialization include: feeding support for babies in the NICU, pre-term infants, poor weight gain, nipple shield dependence, painful latching, low milk supply, and tongue ties. I have considerable experience developing solutions for feeding difficulties that often come hand-in-hand with newborns requiring special care, including low birth weight. I am particularly keen to grow my practice with supporting families during the transition from NICU to home. 

As Midwifery Program Preceptor with the UBC Clinical Faculty, I periodically take on midwifery students to support the continued learning and growth of this important field of work. When students are with me, I communicate in advance to all clients prior to consultations.

When I’m not deep diving into research about birth and infant feeding, I love to grow vegetables, travel around Vancouver Island, and spend time with the many diverse communities I am grateful to be part of.

I can’t wait to meet you and support your growing family.